COVID-19 Guidelines for Independent Living Residents

UPDATE: JUNE 18, 2020

To Our Independent Living Residents,

We hope you are enjoying the summer weather and continue to be physically and mentally healthy during this unprecedented time. This is an update to previous COVID-related communications.

This communication provides an update on VISITOR GUIDELINES.

Visitor Updates:

  • We recommend no more than two visitors per day
  • We encourage you and your visitor practice 6-foot social distancing
  • All visitors must be 18 or older

No Changes relative to Visitors:

  • All visitors must read and sign the Visitor Log and answer each screening question
  • If your visitor answers yes to any questions, they are not able to enter our building
  • By signing the Visitor Log, your visitors is confirming they answered all the screening questions true and correct to the best of their knowledge
  • Visitors are allowed only into a resident’s apartment
  • Please follow CDC hand washing guidelines
  • All visitors must wear a mask


The following is a reminder of our community’s requirements.  Please appreciate these requirements are not unique to us and are based on CDC and State protocol.

  • Wear a mask. You must wear a face mask.  If you don’t have one, please let us know.  We will ensure you have a reusable mask. Your mask should be worn both on and off campus in all spaces except your own vehicle if you have one.
  • Maintain safe social distancing. You must be at least 6 feet apart from others.  Potential high-traffic areas (elevator entrances, reception desk, etc.) are spaces to be particularly aware of.
  • One person at a time in elevators. Only one person may be in an elevator at a time (except for married couples).  We highly encourage using hand sanitizer getting on/off the elevator.  We will be wiping elevators frequently. 
  • No communal activities. Residents may not congregate and participate in shared activities. Seating areas have been arranged; please do not move any furniture in common areas or outside. Shared games, jigsaw puzzles, etc. are not allowed by any person at any time.


We strongly recommend:

  • Practice frequent and thorough handwashing many times throughout the day.
  • Disinfect your own apartment’s high-touch areas 1-2 times per day.
  • Carry hand sanitizer with you always. Use before/after elevator use, opening doors.
  • Limit trips outside the building to those which are necessary. Risks associated with getting out for a walk are incredibly low compared to entering a grocery store.
  • Consider grocery delivery. Instacart and Amazon have been providing outstanding – and sanitary – grocery delivery.
  • Seniors Hours. If you feel you must shop in person, consider leveraging the Seniors Hours that most grocers (Pick N’ Save, Sendik’s, Sentry, etc) have established.
  • Respect others’ health and safety: no congregating in common areas, foyer/lobby, main office, etc.
  • Avoid socializing in other people’s apartments. This is at your own risk and highly discouraged.

We continue to follow the recommendations of the CDC on prevention steps.   If a case of COVID-19 were to arise in your community, all residents will be updated with information and a move-ahead plan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your Community Manager or Executive Director.

For additional information, please visit the CDC’s coronavirus disease information page at


Geri Krupp-Gordon

Chief Operating Officer
Capri Senior Communities


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